Thursday, July 23, 2009

phase three. work is taking a toll on me. some nights i am to tired to paint. i worked this painting a little more. i don't like to stay on a painting to long. maybe this week-end i will set it a side?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

get off on my cloud. painted desert arizona. march 2009.

phase two. i painted for an hour and had to stop. i got this far.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

this is my newer work. i started it sunday 7-19-2009. 30 by 40 inches. oil on canvase. i start with a 2 dimensional surface and with a few lines i try to bring the eye into a surface plain of a third dimension which is depth.

i painted this 7-18-2009. oil on canvas. 30 by 40 inches. title: the return. it needs minor touch up, but i need sleep. i started this at 10:30 pm and painted until 4 am. i stayed with the egyptian style. tomorrow i will go back to surrealism. i have a 30 by 40 inch canvas. now for some sleep.

i painted this 7-18-2009. oil on canvas. 24 by 18 inches. it is a water buffalo in the egyptian style.

i painted this 7-17-2009. it is from a picture i took on the last day of fall in 2007. it is something to paint but not so much my style. it will be given more detail when it drys. oil on canvas. 24 by 18 inches.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

last saturday i went out to the garden by my studio. i love to take pictures of flowers. there were flowers of all sizes and color. to every flower different insects would visit. even the smallest of flowers had visits by insects that i've never seen before. this is one such bug that i happened to get a picture of before it flew off.

this is an older painting that i will hang in the dole mansion for a while. oil on canvas. 3 ft. by 4 ft. title: in between time. painted dec. 23, 2007.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

i painted this 7-11 and 7-12 2009. 24 by 36 inches. oil on canvas. i started painting at 9 pm on the 11th. i painted until the sun came up and the birds were singing on sunday. i took a nap and woke a little after 9am and then painted until noon. i got this far. i will put stars in the sky and maybe paint the shirt light green. i will title it when i am done.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

i took this picture on the fox river july 5, 2009 at sun rise.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

i painted this 7-4-2009. oil on canvas and acrylic with medium jell. 24 by 30 in. first coat of paint. untitled until finished.